
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Half life.

Before sleeping, I think about the cereal ill have for breakfast next morning. With cold milk. Its something I look forward to. It has raisins in it, which surprisingly, i don't mind.

 I am in love with my nephro teacher. And a song. It makes me very happy when somebody is as good at their job as he is.

 Why do we ignore the truth? Or reality. Call it whatever. But most often we know what's right. Which road to take. What path to choose. We know it with such certainty. Yet we ignore it anyway. With such deliberation too. Why is that? Well I think I know why ofc. We are our own slaves that's why. But..yeah.

 I was having chai after my afternoon nap and decided to play one of the four movies I downloaded last night. And in the middle of conversation, s2 said 'what's up with watching movies alone?'. Haha.

 I love cold mornings. When you get out of a warm bed, you're still warm. And you go out for a second. In the cold. Without your sweater, without your socks, in your flimsy half sleeved t shirt. And it wakes you up. Love that. Some people hate cold grey mornings. Not me, no sir.

Dreamed about space travel. And Aurora Borealis. Googled it in the morning to make sure it wasn't something my mind had come up with on its own. In the dream, there was a celestial event that we were going to witness at dawn, but the dream ended before we could. Ah.

A friend texted me yesterday:
'Are you coming to college tomorrow?'
Me: Yeah probably. Why?
'Toffee deni hai'
So at college today, i said where's my toffee? And true to her word, she took out two milk toffees and gave them to me. Haha, how cute.

A cockroach got stuck to my leg yesterday. Cant even..

I love it when someone can make you forget their face. When what is inside, is so shiny it blinds you to what they look like.

Stop.. Wait.. Unhand me.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Something weird has been happening. I am feeling almost exactly what I was feeling last year around this time. An abundance of gratitude. I don't want to jinx this by talking about it in detail but I will say that life has been more than kind to me. And generous. And I've been absorbing all the good that has been coming my way lately so that I am now full to the brim and almost fat with graciousness. Which makes me feel that It is time for me to give back. In some way. Any way. I must do this. To equalize and dilute. To make sense. And to feel light.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

>Went grocery shopping with N today. I needed to whine and vent. And we needed to catch up. Update each other on our lives. It has been a while. So I started talking. Between aisles of vegetable and fresh cut meat and cereal boxes and olive oil. I slowly told her what my mind has been up to. Things that have bothered me. Confused me. What i'm working at. What has affected me. Or changed me. Time flew and she didn't even get her turn. I had so much to say. Once I started talking I remembered how easy it is with her. We are so different. At times the exact opposite. But there's something that bridges over all of that. Whatever that is, I'm grateful for it.