
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Books, basically.

I went to the old part of the city today with V to buy some course books and discovered a world of other things. Books basically. All kinds. History, literature, medicine, politics, fiction, you name it. There were all these tiny shops with creaky shaky shelves packed to the brim with books that I don't think have been opened or even touched in years. I couldn't get enough of it and I blamed V for not taking me there earlier. I bought a couple of books and will definitely buy more. I feel that all those dusty old books deserve to be read. I think there's a world out there that I need to absorb and there isn't enough time. But maybe one step at a time. One book at a time.
Im glad that that place exists. That world of books. And old uncles who manage those shops. They seemed nice. I bought a nice pen from one of them. Its a strange colour. V called it the Falsa coloured pen. I liked that.

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