
Friday, February 25, 2011

Chapter 19.

Its my birthday today.
25th february, yes.
i feel weird being alone here in the hostel where no one knows its my birthday. But, i also feel very nice because i just spent the last hour attending calls and replying to text messages from friends and family. =>

Its my dad's birthday too! We share the same birthdate. So happy birthday to baba :D !
i love him, he's the cutest. We cut the cake together at midnight every year. This time it was me, mom, s1,s2 and dad in a conference call while they cut the cake.

Im gonna cut my cake tomorrow. I hope its fun. Okay blogger wont let me write more on my phone so ill write more tomorrow inshAllah.
bybye then. :D


AcetylCholine said...

Happy Birthday!

Move out of the hostel and have fun on your day!

Roshni said...

Happy Baaaaaardday to youuu..Happy baaardaaay to youu...Happy baaaarday dear..favourite blogger person o---0 ( come i dont know your name ABHI TAK? =o)
Have an awesome day tomorrow and an awesomer year ahead! =p

SaJ said...

Good chapter, that is.
Happy Birthday! :)

ps. I want a conference call for my birthday too!

SR said...

Happy Birthday!!!
sharing a birthday cake with your dad is the cutest thing ever!

Baba Vaniteshwar said...

happy birthday!! have loads of fun!! :)

~RainDrops said...


The Ego said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a super year ahead :)

Sidrah said...

Happy birthdayyyy *hugs* =D

Happy Birhtday to your dad too!

Have such a blast, that can last, in your heart <-- lame =P

Enjoy =)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to you, and your dad too! :D

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to you and your dad. =)

Asad said...

Happy belated! ^^
Hope you had fun cutting your cake!

J Jay. said...

hey Happy Birthday to You and your Dad too!!!!
hope you have wonderful year!!!!!
:) Birthdays at hostel really suck .....but try to have fun!!!!:)